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Campus Rules Changes

Seattle Center is amending its Campus Rules to accomplish the following:

1) To include the revised department vision statement;

2) To repeal certain rules regarding street performers that the courts deemed unconstitutional;

3) To update existing permit requirements;

4) To modify the Campus Exclusion rule from the current maximum exclusion of up to 5 days to a maximum exclusion of up to 365 days for violators of Seattle Center rules, the Seattle Municipal Code, the Revised Code of Washington, or other applicable law;

5) To authorize the Director to adopt guidelines that may:

  • Include a listing of violations and the range of exclusion periods corresponding to those violations, including for repeat violations; and,
  • Designate in writing who may issue exclusions, for which offenses, or for what periods of time.

6) To provide an administrative review process for those who receive a Campus Exclusion notice for a period of 7 days or more.

The revised Campus Rules would be issued under Seattle Municipal Code Section 17.04.040 – Adoption of Rules and Regulations.

Copies of the proposed revised Campus Rules are available on the Seattle Center website: or at the Director’s Office – Seattle Center, 305 Harrison Street, Suite 215, Seattle, WA, 98109 – Seattle Center House, 2

Written comments regarding the proposed revised Campus Rules may be submitted by 5:00 p.m., December 19, 2010 to Denise Wells, Seattle Center, 305 Harrison Street, Suite 215, Seattle, WA, 98109 or to

Seattle Center will also conduct a public meeting regarding the proposed revised Campus Rules on December 16, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Room H located on the 3rd Floor of Center House.

Date of Publication: November 9, 2010