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Food Resources and Expanded Grocery Voucher Program

Working people in Seattle are struggling because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our region is transitioning from having one of the lowest unemployment rates anywhere, to seeing unemployment claims soar statewide. That’s why Mayor Jenny Durkan created an expanded grocery voucher program, which will provide $800 in grocery vouchers to working people who have recently lost their job or seen a significant reduction in hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to learn more:

Seattle Human Services has also created an interactive Food Resource Map that shows local food banks, free meals, and student meal pick-ups. Explore the map and find food options near you:

The City of Seattle has a comprehensive #COVID19 website to help you navigate food, child care, small business, and other resources. To find a breakdown of all city, state, and nonprofit food resources, visit the City’s website now:

Partner Resources

As more and more working people feel the impact of the COVID-19, many of our partners have launched incredible programs to combat food insecurity and help people put food on the table. Here are a few of those resources:

  • With schools closed for the rest of the academic year, Seattle Public Schools is offering free lunches for all Seattle public schools students every week day between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Learn more and find a pickup location near you:
  • Musang Seattle and her fellow chefs have organized a community kitchen to cook meals for residents experiencing food insecurity during the #COVID19 pandemic. For more information, including how to help or access these meals, visit
  • Food Lifeline and NWHarvest are combating hunger and increasing access to healthy food during the #COVID19 pandemic. If you or someone you know is experiencing food insecurity during this time, please explore this website for resources that can help:

For a full list of food access resources in Seattle, visit
