‘Twas the month before New Year and all through the grounds,
The mood was most mellow, with fewer around.
While Campus Luminata made the trees glisten,
Winter Ice Rink was canceled out of need for social distance.
Seattle Center Armory too, is closed to the public,
With no Winterfest Train & Village exhibit.
The Mainstage is quiet, but please don’t despair,
Seattle Center Winterfest comes to you virtually this year!
With art and music and Student Showcases galore,
Winterfest offers much good cheer for all.
Join us for a delightfully virtual 2020,
Five weeks of free entertainment aplenty.
While we are unable to host visitors for an in-person celebration this year, Seattle Center keeps the decades-long tradition of Winterfest, Nov. 27-Dec. 31, alive with spirit-lifting virtual content and links to holiday activities by our resident organizations and community partners, housed on the multi-faceted Seattle Center Winterfest page, http://www.seattlecenter.com/winterfest.
Below are some Seattle Center Winterfest 2020 Offerings
Campus Luminata
Decorative LED tree lighting throughout the grounds to delight campus visitors and provide seasonal illumination and cheer, now through the New Year.
Virtual Student Showcases
Recorded performances of seasonal selections by school and training program participants in Winterfest Student Showcases. While each day highlights a different ensemble, the collection is available for the duration of Winterfest.
Virtual Winterfest Festál
Our Seattle Center Festál community partners celebrate a diverse array of seasonal and holiday traditions through music, dance, cooking and craft demonstrations and storytelling. New content is added each Saturday throughout the Winterfest period.
Our Big Neighborhood Virtual Opening Day
OBN producing partner Northwest Folklife presents family-focused performances by Dunava Balkan Women’s Choir and The Geoducks, along with a tortilla cooking demonstration with Francisca Garcia of Machtia. OBN posts remain accessible throughout the Winterfest period.
Digital Centerville News
This ‘mockpaper’ continues in the absence of Winter Train & Village to highlight the miniature town’s imaginary happenings through short stories, news articles, obituaries and other train related content.
Holiday Coloring Contest
Seattle Center Winterfest décor designer Jeffery Cook has created several downloadable coloring forms, available on the Winterfest webpage. Submitted completed drawings will be posted on the Seattle Center Facebook page and each week entered into a random prize drawing.
PTSA Reflections Digital Gallery
Winterfest presents this online display of original student artwork in partnership with Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) of Washington State, which provide opportunities for recognition and access to arts to boost confidence and success in life.
While we look forward to a return of Seattle Center Winterfest to Seattle Center Armory and Fisher Pavilion in 2021, we hope our 2020 virtual visitors enjoy the online content we have put together to celebrate the season. To learn more about virtual offerings at Seattle Center, visit http://www.seattlecenter.com/events/virtual-events/arts-at-home or call 206 684-7200.
About Seattle Center:
Connect to the extraordinary at Seattle Center, an active civic, arts and family gathering place in the core of our region. More than 30 cultural, educational, sports and entertainment organizations that reside on the grounds, together with a broad range of public and community programs, create thousands of events on the 74-acre campus and attract over 12 million visitors each year. At Seattle Center, part of Uptown Arts & Cultural District, our purpose is to create exceptional events, experiences and environments that delight and inspire the human spirit to build stronger communities. Activities at the Center generate $1.864 billion in business activity and $631 million in labor income.