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Did You Know?

Century 21 Master Plan

With projects contained in the Seattle Center 2000 now complete, it was time once again to consider the future of Seattle Center. In 2006, then Mayor Nichols called for formation of the 17-member Century 21 Committee, which held more than 60 meetings with community organizations and residents to collect input. The Committee heard calls for more open space, more programs for young adults and children, more for the growing residential and employment populations neighboring Seattle Center and more amenities that will make the Center a place to visit every day in many ways. Three proposals resulted, designed to make Seattle Center a community gathering place. 

Out of those proposals emerged the Seattle Center Century 21 Master Plan, adopted by Seattle City Council in August 2008. The 20-year plan allowed for an innovative mix of commercial and community spaces as well as improved opportunities for retail, recreational and dining amenities. It outlined 10 planning and design principals to guide redevelopment and included projects like the revitalization of Center House, (now Seattle Center Armory), a redo of Memorial Stadium, the closures of the Fun Forest (now Artists at Play) and enhancements to Mural Amphitheatre and open spaces throughout the 74-acre campus. 

Although adoption came with no funding, several projects envisioned in the plan have been realized including Broad Street Green (2009), Theater Commons (2010), SIFF Film Center (2011), Chihuly Garden and Glass (2012), Seattle Center Armory (partially complete in 2012), KEXP and Artists at Play (2015) and Seattle Opera Center (2018). 

The C21 committee hoped renovations would change the makeup of visits to Seattle Center, so that people would be drawn to frequent this extraordinary place for many, many reasons. Learn about some exciting new projects underway that are helping Seattle Center to achieve this goal in next Sunday’s Did You Know. 

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Century 21 Master Plan Rendering

About Seattle Center: 

Connect to the extraordinary at Seattle Center, an active civic, arts and family gathering place in the core of our region. More than 30 cultural, educational, sports and entertainment organizations that reside on the grounds, together with a broad range of public and community programs, create thousands of events on the 74-acre campus and attract over 12 million visitors each year. At Seattle Center, part of Uptown Arts & Cultural District, our purpose is to create exceptional events, experiences and environments that delight and inspire the human spirit to build stronger communities. Activities at the Center generate $1.864 billion in business activity and $631 million in labor income.