Seattle Center has signed a letter-of-intent with Lancer Hospitality to design and construct improvements to the Seattle Center House food court area; and subsequently, to operate the area under a lease and concession agreement. The food court will close later this year so that rebuild and food service installation can be completed by the opening of six-month celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair, April 21 – Oct. 21, 2012.
Seattle Center chose Lancer Hospitality as the preferred provider following a request for proposals process launched last year. The new partnership lays a foundation for an updated food court area featuring a wide range of eating options, including full service restaurants and healthy and eclectic food choices. Lancer Hospitality, who will serve as a master concessionaire, is currently seeking partnerships with local restaurants and food providers.
The most recent upgrades to the food court area were made in 1995 as part of an effort to expand public programming and cultural programs as a means to bring people into Center House. At that time, the food court took on a support role that catered to the youth, family and senior focus of the programming.
The Century 21 Master Plan outlines an expanded vision of the food court area to serve as an active hub that connects people and campus destination, accommodates a dynamic mix of programs and services and houses restaurants, cafes and retail catering to a variety of tastes and price levels. In keeping with the Master Plan call to open Center House to allow in more natural light, the redevelopment plans include enlarging windows, building outside terrace seating and opening the space at the south end of the food court area.
Seattle Center House anchor tenants, including Book-It Repertory Theatre, Center School, The Children’s Museum, Seattle Shakespeare Company and Theatre Puget Sound and Seattle Center administrative offices will continue to operate during and after the construction. Public programming held in Center House will continue but be relocated to other areas of the grounds.