“One thing I’ve tried to focus on is that we need to not just reach out to Seattle citizens, but region-wide too. I live in the south end, so we don’t get a lot of information down there about what’s going on around Seattle Center. And I think it’s really important to let the entire region know what all is happening around Seattle Center, and how many free programs are available, and all the interesting things that are going on. This has been the birthplace for a lot of interesting things.” #IAmSeattleCenter #interestingthings #region #freeprograms #redevelopment
GINA OWENS, Administrative Staff Analyst, Seattle Center
Gina has been working in the Redevelopment Unit of Seattle Center for the past four years, where she monitors contracts, budgeting and program goals, along with collecting and analyzing data. Her work, while not outward-facing to the public, allows the Center to develop, sustain, and grow.