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Seattle Center Festal – June Celebrations

Seattle Center Festál celebrates the sunnier, warmer weekends of June with lively arts, entertainment, children’s activities and more to illuminate three dynamic and deeply-rooted cultures:  Pagdiriwang Philippine Festival, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday, June 7 and Sunday, June 8, in Seattle Center Armory and Mural Amphitheatre. Festival Sundiata presents… [ Keep reading ]

Glimpse of China – May 17

Beijing meets Seattle at A Glimpse of China – Chinese Culture and Arts Festival, part of the Seattle Center Festál series of ethnic cultural festivals, 11 am – 6 pm, Saturday, May 17, at Seattle Center Armory. The festival highlights traditions covering 5,000 years of Chinese history and showcases their… [ Keep reading ]

Cherry Blossom Festival this Weekend!

Discover and experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of Japan through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, foods and games at Seattle Center Festál:  Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival, 10 am – 5 pm, Friday, April 25 and 10 am – 6 pm, April 26 and 27,… [ Keep reading ]

Irish Fest – Cultural IQ

Seattle Center Festal:  Irish Festival comes to Seattle Center this weekend, March 15-16, and features non-stop Irish music, singing and dancing, along with short films, lectures and Irish and Celtic products. Festival-goers may take in genealogy and Irish language workshops, cultural exhibits and more. Family-oriented activities include performances by amazing Irish… [ Keep reading ]

Tết Festival – Jan. 25-26

Seattle Center Festál launches its year-long series of 22 cultural festivals with Tết Festival – Vietnamese Lunar New Year, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., Jan. 25 and 26, at Fisher Pavilion and Seattle Center Armory. This year, Tết rings in the Year of the Horse. Tết Festival celebrates the cultural… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Center Festal 2014 Line-up

Seattle Center Festál 2014 presents a remarkable collection of 22 cultural festivals  on weekends throughout the year. Festál seeks to engage the broader public, while providing a space for cultural expression, celebration and pride for the broad range of presenting communities. The Festál events, created through a partnership between festival… [ Keep reading ]

Festal: Hmong New Year, Nov. 9

Explore and experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of people from the hilltops of China, Laos, and Thailand through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, games, and a lively marketplace. Gain insights into the customary courtship ritual of ball tossing and participate in flower cloth sessions. You’ll find it all… [ Keep reading ]

Dia de Muertos – Oct. 26-27

Join in a celebration of Mexico’s indigenous cultural roots and find out how immigrant communities have embraced the Pacific Northwest and made it home. Explore and experience the culture’s roots through live performances, foods, face painting and exquisite rituals. Decorate sugar skulls known as “calaveritas,” learn how to make paper… [ Keep reading ]

CroatiaFest – Sunday, Oct. 6

Seattle Center Festál:  CroatiaFest 2013 recognizes its 10th anniversary year with a celebration of All Things Croatian!  12 p.m. – 8 p.m.  Sunday, Oct. 6, in Seattle Center Armory. Festival-goers will find an author’s corner, Croatian costume photo booth, and photo cutout opportunities. They may trace their genealogy and learn about… [ Keep reading ]

Fiestas Patrias – Sept. 14-15

If you like Latin foods, then a visit to Seattle Fiestas Patrias, 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. Sept. 14 and 15, in Seattle Center Armory, Fisher Pavilion and Seattle Center Pavilion, is a must.  Dance to live mariachi music, take in the culture of Latin America, and learn how Latin… [ Keep reading ]