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International Fountain Closure

The International Fountain is experiencing intermittent issues and will be closed for repairs through Monday, April 29.

Events at Seattle Center to Get Out of April Showers

Note: The links below will open new windows. April has a variety of events to offer in venues across the Seattle Center campus with something for everyone to do. With the 60th anniversary of the World’s Fair and the Ukraine A/NT Gallery show, there is no shortage of fun activities… [ Keep reading ]

Summer at the Center Entertains and Enriches with Movies, Live Music, Online Festivals and Outdoor Art

Updated: June 24, 2021 As our region and the world transition from a time of isolation to a return to public gathering, Seattle Center is just beginning to dip our toes into the notion of in-person events. As Seattle Center heads into the summer season, many activities on the grounds… [ Keep reading ]