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Seattle Center Virtual Experiences Brighten the Dark Days of Autumn

Virtual events planned for the month of November offered by Seattle Center resident organizations and programming partners.

Seattle Center Winterfest Offers Virtual Fun and Family Entertainment

Seattle Center Winterfest Offers Virtual Fun and Family Entertainment

November 1: Dia de Muertos Festival Seattle Offers Ritual, Celebration and Deep Culture

Seattle Center Festál: Dia de Muertos Festival Seattle takes place virtually starting at 12 noon, Sunday, Nov. 1. Link to it at The festival honors the departed with ritual and tradition that preserve the celebration for younger generations to experience. Virtual participants explore elaborate community altars, sugar skull making… [ Keep reading ]

October 17: Diwali – Lights of India Brings Color, Light and Vedic Culture to the Virtual Stage

Seattle Center Festál: Diwali: Lights of India, presented virtually starting at 12 noon, Saturday, Oct. 17, celebrates the Indian festival of light and elevates Vedic culture by sharing Indian stories and visual arts, traditional dance, rhythmic music, spiced-filled cooking demonstrations and fireworks. The festival features regional and Indian artists. The festival recorded and edited… [ Keep reading ]

Visit Seattle Center Online this Month for Fun, Engaging Events and Experiences

As the region and the world continue to grapple with the impacts of COVID-19, Seattle Center resident organizations and public programming partners have shown their mettle in adapting to an environment completely alien to their purpose and process. While some campus residents, such as Chihuly Garden and Glass, Museum of… [ Keep reading ]

Sept. 26: The Italian Festival Offers Online Music, Creation, Culture and Virtual Fun

Seattle Center Festál: The Italian Festival offers a cornucopia of Italian culture online starting at 12 noon, Saturday, Sept. 26. Virtual elements include music, cooking demonstrations, Italian dog and car shows, Le Arti della Festa, historical photos and more. To access the various links, visit or Seattle Center Studios recorded… [ Keep reading ]

Entertaining and Enriching ‘Back-To-School’ Offerings for Youth, Families and Adults

As summer gives way to the shorter days of fall, Seattle Center public programs and resident organizations are prepared to enrich and entertain with a large selection of youth and adult online classes, virtual presentations and family-friendly performances. Here are some of the digital offerings. These activities and more are… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Center Back-to-School Activities

Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) MoPOP is excited to welcome students back to (virtual) school with new programs and resources! Livestream classes, learning kits, online resources, and more are all available beginning September 1 for students in grades 3-12. Learn about The Hero’s Journey and craft your own heroic story, explore the art of architecture, discover how tabletop gaming can… [ Keep reading ]

September 12-18: Sea Mar Fiestas Patrias Offers History, Music, and Zumba® Fitness for All

Seattle Center Festál: Sea Mar Fiestas Patrias takes place virtually starting at 12:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, Sept 12 and 13. The festival presents film, Zumba® fitness and visual arts as it celebrates Latinx culture, history and contemporary life. It also commemorates the Independence Days of Latin American countries, while… [ Keep reading ]

September 11-13: Live Aloha Hawaiian Cultural Festival Offers Music, Culture and Online Fun

Seattle Center Festál: Live Aloha Hawaiian Cultural Festival, taking place virtually Friday-Sunday, Sept. 11-13 at, infuses the Pacific Northwest with the vibrancy of Hawaiian culture. Take a glimpse at the rich history and spirit of island life through spoken word, music, food demonstrations and virtual workshops. The festival theme… [ Keep reading ]