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I Am Seattle Center-Clarissa Addington

CLARISSA ADDINGTON, Student at Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) Clarissa came to AIE after graduating from University of Oregon with a degree in fine art. She is in her second and final year at AIE and looking for a job in animation or advertising after she graduates in the spring…. [ Keep reading ]

I Am Seattle Center-Andy Bell

ANDY BELL, Teacher at The Center School speaks about the high school’s art focus, and the challenges one faces when designing an arts-based curriculum. Mr. Bell is a student favorite, and has championed their cause since the beginning. “The design team, the people who were originally thinking about having a… [ Keep reading ]

Welcoming City L&L and Resources

On Thursday, March 9, the Seattle Center Race and Social Justice Change Team hosted a Lunch & Learn focused on what it means to be a Welcoming City.  Seattle is a proud member of Welcoming America, a coalition of cities, municipalities, organizations, and others focused on creating environments in which… [ Keep reading ]

I Am Seattle Center-Aubrie Kralis

AUBRIE KRALIS, a senior at The Center School, located in Seattle Center Armory, also serves as the Volunteer Coordinator and Steering Committee Co-Chair for The Vera Project. As she enthusiastically talks about the vibe inside Vera during a rock show, one can’t help but know that the future is in bright,… [ Keep reading ]

I AM Seattle Center-Roy Berris

ROY BERRIS, Senior Crew Chief, KeyArena at Seattle Center. Roy has been working at the Seattle Center for twenty years. He leads the team that changes the floor at KeyArena, transforming it for a variety of events, from ice rinks to basketball courts, and many a rock concert in between…. [ Keep reading ]

I Am Seattle Center – Gina Owens

“One thing I’ve tried to focus on is that we need to not just reach out to Seattle citizens, but region-wide too. I live in the south end, so we don’t get a lot of information down there about what’s going on around Seattle Center. And I think it’s really… [ Keep reading ]

I Am Seattle Center – Rebecca Davis

“Maybe it’s just an artist thing in general… people get all navel gazey. That’s the danger with original or creative work, which I love, when it’s creative and original. But sometimes it’s like ‘and then my cat went out, and it never came back,’ pause, pause, light change. I need… [ Keep reading ]

I Am Seattle Center – Cathy Sander

“Many ex-theater people work here because it’s the same skill set. You have to be really good at creative problem solving, you have to be really good at working with a diverse group of people at all given levels. It definitely keeps your creative juices flowing. Every single person I… [ Keep reading ]

I Am Seattle Center – Robert Nellams

“What I love about this place is that it’s a value statement about what the community believes in. It was originally created to be a world’s fair site, but there was a Trojan horse put inside of it. The people who planned the world’s fair planned it so that there… [ Keep reading ]

I AM Seattle Center – John Bradshaw

“I came out of this really small town. I saw one professional play… I saw one professional arts program… in six years of being a teenager. Seattle Repertory Theatre was touring the Western States, and they came into Wenatchee. Then they bussed us in from all over North Central Washington… [ Keep reading ]